Tuesday 7 February 2017

30 Activities, Can Change Your Mood

Although there is a list of activities that can change your mood for a while. But when you'll adopt things on daily basis it will definitely change your perspective about the challenges, Worries and critical situations of life. Here is the list of activities that will help you a lot to change your mood and on permanent adoption, you'll able to change your whole life. Because in life there comes a couple of moments when you don't want to live anymore or even you think of quitting your life. But you need to live (for the sake of your love ones) and prove them wrong who try to influence your determination regarding achieving your goals through their naysayer's comments.
Love the things you do
Let's have a look at these list of Activities that would help you a lot to change your life in the phases of depression and feelings of being an unsuccessful person.

  • Visit a gallery/ Library.
  • Take your favorite drinks.
  • Take in a view of the top nature.
  • Get Dress-up with your favorite dresses.
  • Travel/Walk/Hike somewhere quiet.
  • Blow Bubbles.
  • Play Your Favorite sport that you enjoy.
  • Get a fresh Haircut/Bath (pick a new look).
  • Read the books you love.
  • Plan for next adventure (If you can afford).
  • Play with your pet.
  • Listen to your favorite music.
  • Eat your favorite dessert you have forgotten about.
  • Meet With your old Friends <3.
  • Write down "Good Things", ever happened in your life (Last Years, Things your are thankful for).
  • Send out thank you notes to Friends/Love ones/Teachers and Family Members.
  • Look at the sky in Evening and Night Time.
  • Watch Funny Videos/Cartoons/Movies.
  • Smell Fresh and your Favorite Flowers.
  • Go For a Long Drive.
  • Cook Something for yourself.
  • Reorganize your Room/House/Desk.
  • Go to a Concert/Event.
  • Create your own garden.
  • Hug your Mom & Dad.
  • Go for a prayer.
  • Talk your God.
  • Play with kids.
  • Write Down the goals you want to achieved in life.
  • Read Motivational Quotes.

I would love to listen to the things you do in order to make your mood refresh. Do mention in comments. Stay Strong and keep your attitude towards the positivity of life. This shall too pass. Keep reminding yourself that:
All good things come to those who wait.  

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