In our daily routine we find huge number of exercise tips news about arms, abs, belly, and even about legs and other body parts. Do you ever think about the exercising your eyes? I am sure have never think about of this. In our whole life, when we start a new day by opening our eyes, we most of them never find time to close them before getting back to bed. In fact, even on bed at night we don't give proper relation to our eyes & got indulge in the checking of updates on social media website. In short we do not give some sort of relaxation to our eyes properly as they acquired.
8 Simple Eyes Exercise Tips, To relax while working on computer |
Whenever to checked up your eyes, doctors advised you to keep your eyes clean, healthy and relax for being tired. But nobody tell you how? Here i have enlisted 8 simple eyes exercise tips, to relax while working on computer. You can practice these simple tips, to make your eyes relaxed all the day.
8 Simple Eyes Exercise Tips to Relax Them
Let's have a look to all of these 8 simple eyes exercise tips one by one. Make sure you get know the actual benefit from each exercise efficiently.
1. Close Your Eyes, Put Your Finger on Them
The first and most important eyes exercise tip. While working in front of computer, you have work consistently. That usually cause strain in eyes. This beautiful simple eye exercise tip will help you to get rid of eye's strain issue. There is simple steps,
Close your eyes, put your finger |
- Close your beautiful eyes.
- Put your fingers in the corner of inner eyelid side.
- Press gently, for couple of seconds, than release.
- Repeat above steps 5 to 6 time.
- Allow your eyes to readjust once you done with exercise.
2. Roll Your Eyes, Clockwise & Anticlockwise
It is being noticed that, we roll our eyes usually when we are annoyed. Although, rolling your eyes in a proper manner give yourself a clear vision. Follow the steps:
Rolling of eyes |
- Roll your eyes, in clockwise manners.
- Repeat it 5 times.
- Now, roll your eyes in anticlockwise manners.
- Repeat it 5 times.
3. Look At The Sides, Left & Right
The 3rd exercise is about looking at sides, both right and left. Usually we move neck to see right & left rather moving are eyes. It is useful to look right & left side by moving your eyes. All you need is to follow below instructions.
Look at right & left sides |
- Still your for 3 seconds.
- Look far as you can but make sure do not cause strain in your eyes.
- Look right side, hold your for 5 seconds.
- Now look left Side, and hold on for 5 seconds.
- Now close your eyes, & repeat the exercise again.
4. Go Cross-Eyed Moves
Going Cross-eye usually cause pain in eyes. It is usually done to make someone laugh. Although making cross eyed after working a few hours on computer give you clear vision. Follow below mentioned instructions:
Cross-Eyes Moves |
- Pick a slender shaped object, make cross-eyes and focus the object. Put the object on an arm distance.
- Move the object towards your eyes and keep your focus.
- Move the object until it come closer to your nose.
- Now move the object back from where you start it moving.
- Repeat this above steps as you want.
5. Make Surprise/Shocked Looks
The 5th simple eyes exercise tip is surprised or shocked looks. It gives a wide eye look. That is actually good for your eyes health. Follow some simple steps:
Make Surprise/Shock Looks |
- Squint your eye if are trying to see something far away from you.
- Keep your eyes in squint shape for 5 seconds.
- Now make a surprised/shocked look for 5 seconds.
- Repeat steps 5 times.
6. Warm Your Eyes By Hands
Making your eyes warm will give you relief from those 'floaters' that come up, when your eyes are tired or strained. Warming your eyes give a sort of relief to your eyes from strain that is caused because of continuous work in front of electronic devices. For the warmth of your eyes follow these steps:
Warm your eyes with hands |
- Rub the palms of your both hands, make sure they got heat up.
- Now closed your eyes and put your palms on eyes.
- Press your palms gently over closed eyes for 5 seconds.
- Repeat these steps as you want.
7. Refocusing of Eyes, Give a Relief
Most of people work on computers, and other smart devices is a bid cause of eyes strains. Most of the time, when we continuously work on computers, eyes got tired. No need to follow these 8 simple eyes exercise tips, especially when you see blur images or screen. Refocus your eyes:
Refocusing of Eyes |
- Look away from your laptop & computer screen.
- Focus an object 25 or 30 feet away from you.
- Totally focus three object tow are 25 or 30 feet away from you and the first one is on arm distance.
- Focus all of these 3 objects one by one for couple of seconds.
- Repeat this exercise for 5 and 10 times.
8. Close Your Beautiful Eyes
If your job requires to work on computer for 8 hours. It means you have will ultimately have eyes strains issues, that may get worse if you you haven't been get enough sleep at night. Your overworked eyes pains can get relieve by this simple exercise of closing your eyes:
Close Your Beautiful Eyes |
- Turn off your monitor screen, or move your chair away from bright lights.
- Lean back to your chair, put your head in a resting support position.
- Close your beautiful eyes, let them closed for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Repeat this exercise twice a day.