Monday 6 June 2016

How to Communicate Effectively at Workplace?

In this article I’m going to comprehend about the topic, ‘how to communicate effectively at workplace. Let’s 1st have a look about the background of word ‘communication’.  The word ‘Communication’ is derived from a Latin word ‘Communicare’ means make common, share, participate and import. Communication is a way to transfer meaningful information from one party to another. The unit of success can be measured when the meaning got understood. It is the basic of all interactions.  Communication can be defined as:
“The interchange of thoughts and opinions by shared symbols, e.g. language, words, phrases or by body language.”OR
“The art or technique of using words in an effective way to import information, ideas or feelings by your local language.”
Communication process include Encoding, Transmitting and Decoding of entire message.
The Karen Friedman’s a professional communicator a 37 year Professional TV news reporter layout some of the core rules about how to communicate effectively at workplace in her book Shut up & Say Something. There are some rules that I have captured from her book, that ill going to elaborate in my own so you can get benefited from it. Let’s have a look to each rule one by one I have named them as well. 

09 Rules How to Communicate Effectively at Workplace

Rule 1- Use Thanks Giving Words

When you are acting as a speaker, communicate in a lively and forceful way. Especially when you are asking or inquiring about anything specifically from the sub-ordinates. You should use thanks giving words like: please, kindly, thank you and etc.

Rule 2- Hit Headline First

The 2nd rule of how to communicate effectively at workplace is ‘Hit the headline 1st’. This rule can be elaborate in a way that convey your message directly, while cutting the drama from your communication. 

This can be explained by this example that if your hand got touch with an electricity wire and you got shriek unconsciously. What would be the one thing people around you needed to be hear at charge? What you’ll say? Remember that, ‘PEOPLE DON’T WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW!’ The best way to communicate effectively at workplace is to simply state your central idea of talk, speech or communication.

Rule 3- Your Articulate (Body Language) Skills Matters

The 3rd and most important one your articulate (body language) matters a lot. Your attitude while communicating have huge importance.  Irrespective of your current role either as a listener or a speaker, in both roles your attitude & articulate (body language/gestures) have their own worth.  

Being a Listener you should show level of enthusiasm towards speaker. Take away your hands from electronic devices and listen attentively. You cannot answer, question or raise your any point until you don’t listen the speaker. Communication couldn’t carry on unless you do not show your interest towards the talking one.

Being a Speaker as well your articulate, attitude and body language matters a lot. It’s really not your words that covey your message, its all of you! If you put your hands in pockets, shuffle your hands and avoid eye contact with your listeners they will get an impression that you do not want to communicate with them.

Rule 4- Come Out of Your Ego Driven World

Keep in mind that every human being is different from each other. Every person around you at workplace is facing his/her own battle. Everyone is dealing with various circumstances, so don’t label people around you with some sort of tags. Remember that world doesn’t revolved around you.

So, in order to communicate effectively at workplace you need to come out of your ego driven world of smart devices. Don’t expect from your colleagues to come and entertain you. Be open yourself for others opinions and perspective so you’ll find it an easy mean to convey message in an effective way.

Rule 5- Do Ask Open-ended Questions

The 5th rule of topic how to communicate effectively at workplace is very interesting. It is stated about break the ice and draw other people to carry forward the communication to next level.

While learning how to communicate effectively at workplace, it’s also an important point that do ask open-ended questions. Open ended questions from other persons give a new edge to your conversation. Don’t misinterpret other words, carry forward conversation in a way like:
  • I’m not sure…..
  • I’m understand what are you saying is….
  • So, could you please give an example…?

Rule 6- Remain Trustworthy (Avoid Gossiping)

It’s simple be nice to people around you. If cannot say anything good, then don’t say anything bad as well about your colleagues especially when they are not around. Gossiping is very bad habit. Don’t trash-talk behind your colleague’s backs. This can label you as a gossiper, the person who cannot be trusted. So, don’t be a gossiper and remain a trustworthy person whom anyone can share his/her views openly without a fear of words interpretation.  

Rule 7- Cut Drama from Bad News

Don’t exaggerate things, like when you have to deliver a bad new state it plainly. When you have to impart a negative message just say it. Don’t beat around the bushes.  Do adopt straight forward approach when you have to convey an information, about which your employee or colleagues already have an idea.

Rule 8- Deliver Bad News in Person

It’s always better to bad news face to face, as alluring as it electronically. It’ll be convenient to deliver negative information in person that will give employee a way to show their views about news. As compared to electronically that will not give them a chance to show point view against that news. It is also a good way of letting your employee to not hold grudges against you.

Rule 9- Don’t be a Naysayer

The last but not the least rule of topic how to communicate effectively at workplace is don’t be naysayer. For those who are not familiar with this term.
Naysayer are the persons who discourage you from pursuing your goals and dreams by saying that’s impossible!’

Don’t be a naysayer, even if you find your boss/colleagues at wrong about something tackle such situations with open-ended situations.  Read 8 Tips to tackle naysayers. Be a wise man. Instead of directly saying ‘no’ in a situation of disagreement, fame your point in a frame of question. It’s very important to raise your point of view instead of not participating in a conversation at all due different (disagreed situation) views.

20 Ways to Communicate Effectively At Workplace with Your Team

  • Open Meetings
  • E-mails
  • One-to-One
  • Use Power Point Presentations
  • Communicate via Trainnings
  • Show Seriousness & Confidence
  • Use Simple Vocabulary 
  • Use Visuals
  • Listen Your Team Members
  • Ask Open-Ended Question
  • Use Body Language
  • Portray Your Message
  • Use Appropriate Voice Tone
  • Avoid Unnecessary Repetition
  • Avoid Tense Environment
  • Be Friendly (Humorous)
  • Speaks Clearly Avoid Mumbling
  • Ask Feedback
  • Be Prepared & Clear About Your Point
  • Appreciate Listeners

For more detail about above mentioned points read, 20 ways to communicate effectively with your team at workplace.


In this I have filtered 9 rules how to communicate effectively at workplace inspired by Karen Friedman’s book. I hope you’ll get amused from my article. Please share your views I would love to read them.

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